[Weekly] The Copyblogger Guide for a Wildly Productive August

Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing
Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing
Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing


Sonia Simone

The Copyblogger Guide for a Wildly Productive August 

Productive? In August? Isn't that an oxymoron?

This month we wrap up the summer (in our hemisphere, anyway), get ready for the school year, and head into the final third of the year. The key to making this time productive is to work on the right things -- and not throw our time or energy away on the wrong things.

On Monday, I talked about that cornerstone of “premium content,” ebooks. Once upon a time, an ebook was the way to “monetize” your site. Attract an audience, give them great free stuff, then package up some additional great free stuff in an ebook and rake in the bucks.

The fundamentals are still sound, but given the ebook-splosion we're facing today, it's smart to think about how to make your own ebooks truly successful. Write a good one is a solid start, but it's not the only thing you need to keep in mind. I have some thoughts on that in the post.

On Tuesday, Stefanie got into walking that fine line between million-dollar dreams and ramen reality. Dreaming on its own doesn’t get you very far, but dreams can be the start of something amazing. She outlined how you can use your expectations to drive excellent work and keep yourself focused ... and start moving toward what matters most to you.

And on Wednesday, Jerod Morris shared some real talk about staying on task when something really important comes along to smash all of your routines. Like ... an adorable baby. Great problem to have, still a potential productivity killer.

Over on the Sites podcast, Jerod joined us again with a Q&A about conversion. If you’re marketing anything (even an idea), some of the most productive time you’ll spend will focus on converting audience attention into the action you desire. Jerod gave his recommendations in this episode.

And on The Digital Entrepreneur podcast, Sean Jackson and Jessica Frick are creating some summer-friendly, short and sweet episodes for you this month. The first one is about How to Deal with the Stress of Running an Online Business. Always a topic worth checking out.

Thanks as always for your time and attention, and have a great weekend!

- Sonia Simone
Chief Content Officer, Rainmaker Digital

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