[Weekly] The Path to Freedom, More Creativity, and ... Really Good Audio Quality

Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing
Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing
Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing


Sonia Simone

The Path to Freedom, More Creativity, and ...
Really Good Audio Quality

We kicked off the holiday week on Monday with your July creativity and productivity prompts.

Each month this year, we're suggesting practical ideas to improve your content and help you get more done. In July, we're challenging you to select two content types that are new to you and schedule an extra hour each day to work on something meaningful.

(If one of your new content types is audio, be sure to check out Wednesday's post this week as well.)

Tuesday was U.S. Independence Day, and I shared my latest thoughts on three steps toward greater economic and time independence: growing your audience, creating a revenue stream, and committing to growth and learning.

Each of those three is a big topic, which is why it's our privilege to help you with them throughout the year.

On Wednesday, Toby Lyles, who was instrumental to the development of our Rainmaker FM podcast network, gave some of his best tips on how to get that smooth pro sound from your audio -- without killing your budget.

Toby has given me some fantastic tips for improving my own recordings over the years, and I'm so glad we convinced him to write a post for us!

That's it for this week -- have a great weekend, and we'll see you Monday. :)

- Sonia Simone
Chief Content Officer, Rainmaker Digital

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