[Weekly] Expand Your Content Marketing Toolkit

Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing
Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing
Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing


Sonia Simone

[Weekly] Expand Your Content Marketing Toolkit

On Monday, our friend Jon Nastor shared the top tips he’s learned from conducting more than 350 podcast interviews in two years. He has a lot of solid advice here on how to better prepare for your interviews -- without making your content stiff or robotic.

On Tuesday, our editorial assistant Will DeWitt revealed how his experiences on a recent cruise shaped how he thinks about customer experience -- and how you can structure your content to make your audience feel like treasured guests.

And on Wednesday, Stefanie Flaxman saved us from the humiliation of 12 different word choice errors. Because content marketing is just more fun when you're not embarrassing yourself in public.

On the Copyblogger FM podcast this week, I talked about how to attract the specific audience you want to your business, podcast, or blog. Everything you do will get much easier when you know you're talking to the right folks.

And on our brand-new Sites podcast, Jerod Morris covered easy ways you can use excellent design to forge a stronger connection with your audience. (By the way, Jerod mentions a free coupon you might want to pick up if you're looking for better hosting -- it expires tomorrow, on July 14, so you'll want to hop to it.)

That's it for this week -- have a great weekend, and we'll see you Monday. :)

- Sonia Simone
Chief Content Officer, Rainmaker Digital

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