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Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing
Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing
Copyblogger Weekly: Your portable guide to building online authority with content marketing


Sonia Simone

Ready to Sell Your Products or Services?

We're Here to Help.

Hey there -- welcome back to the Copyblogger Weekly!


So, I've been known to lean a bit toward the “kumbaya” side of content marketing. (“Kumbaya” meaning, “Let's all join hands and sing songs about our feelings!”)


But I have bills to pay just like you do. Selling is an integral and important part of business. And content marketing is as much about marketing as it is about connection.


This week, we've got some content to help you unapologetically, effectively -- maybe even joyfully -- sell some stuff.


On Tuesday, I was tickled to see Beth Hayden riffing on a presentation I did at our live event in 2015, cracking open the three essential elements your landing pages need to make more sales.


Yesterday, we revisited a classic Brian Clark post on how to motivate audiences to buy. He has some fascinating insights into what we really mean when we say we “sell from emotion,” and about the emotional states that prompt us to act.


And The Showrunner podcast this week dives into how to use empathy (very kumbaya) as a map for creating the products and services your audience will love (very pragmatic). Which is really what we're all about.


Digital Commerce Academy closes to new students on Friday


Quick reminder that Digital Commerce Academy (DCA) is going to close to new students on Friday, October 28 so we can put all of our focus into developing some killer new courses for our members.


Don't worry, DCA will be back ... but not until 2017, and with a substantially higher price.


If you're into the mix of ethical connection and pragmatic business solutions, DCA is a great resource for you.


We'll be adding the videos from our recent live Digital Commerce Summit, as well as a live workshop I taught with Brian Clark that walks you through how to plan, execute, and market a digital course.


The annual price for DCA will be rising quite a bit, to reflect the quantity and quality of new content we're adding. But you can get all the great new stuff and today's pricing if you jump in now. Get all the details here:


Hope you enjoy this week's content, and I'll catch you next week!

- Sonia Simone
Chief Content Officer, Rainmaker Digital


Authority Behind the Scenes with Matthew Berry

Friday, October 28 with Matthew Berry and Pamela Wilson
What can you do when you have a nice-looking site that’s not converting as well as you want? And will content marketing really work to promote a thoroughly offline business like a fly fishing lodge in Idaho? Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from someone who’s on the front lines, using content marketing to promote a strictly offline business.




The One Thing That Can Make or Break Your Creative Business

Empathy Maps: A Podcaster's Guide

Empathy Maps: A Podcaster's Guide

 by Jerod Morris & Jon Nastor








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