Introducing The Digital CMO: Corporate Marketing for Those Who Live in the Future

Introducing The Digital CMO: Corporate Marketing for Those Who Live in the Future

by Mike Orren

It was somewhere in the middle of a conversation with Brian Clark at one of Content Marketing World’s parties when it all became clear to me:

While Rainmaker.FM has tremendous educational and inspirational assets for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and most general marketers, there's no podcast that caters to the corporate marketer.

That's not just true on Rainmaker.FM. In general, there isn't a lot of blogging and podcasting in the corporate marketing space — whether that’s because of a gag order from the legal department or the time it takes to wrangle multiple agencies and channels.

But corporate marketers need help too.

The Showrunner: Setting Yourself Up for Success in iTunes: Part Two

by Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor

Yes, it takes a lot of work to start a remarkable podcast. To create a podcast that builds an audience for you and your business, you need to determine your audience, choose a podcast format, create captivating artwork, and pre-record a month’s worth of episodes. And you need to do all of this before you even launch. Then the real work begins.

The Digital CMO with Mike Orren: How Hollywood Markets Movies Through Digital Disruption

by Mike Orren

Peter Van Steemburg of ICM Partners and Crystal Orren of Well Go USA Entertainment market movies in an increasingly chaotic marketplace.

Unemployable with Brian Clark: Chris Brogan on Simple Systems for a Better Business and Lifestyle

by Brian Clark

We're big on systems and processes at Unemployable. Naturally, that's the topic of the first lesson in the free Profit Pillars course that members gain access to when they join the tribe at no charge.

The Mainframe: Why Failure is Always an Option

by Chris Garrett and Tony Clark

In this final episode of the product strategy series, Tony and Chris explain why product failure can be a good thing, and what failure in business really means.

The Missing Link: How to Attract, Teach, and Engage Your Audience on LinkedIn

by Sean Jackson

Brynne Tillman takes us through three simple, yet very powerful, steps to get your audience to act on your LinkedIn calls to action.

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