How to Tame Content Creation Chaos with Rock-Solid Workflows

How to Tame Content Creation Chaos with Rock-Solid Workflows

by Charlie Gilkey

Have you ever noticed that your content marketing activities tend to amount to doing the same types of tasks over and over?

At the process level, there's not much that changes from one blog post to the next or from one social media campaign to the next, though the content itself may change.

Whether or not you've noticed it, your content marketing activities are a collection of workflows.

I hinted at this in my last post, on how to delegate content marketing tasks.

Now, let’s take a closer look at workflows, because it’s a game-changer when you shift from thinking about your content marketing tasks as a loose collection of activities to thinking about them as workflows.

The Missing Link: How to Create Videos and SlideShare Presentations that LinkedIn Loves

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Youpreneur with Chris Ducker: Becoming a Student of the ‘School of Greatness’, with Lewis Howes

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The Lede: The Simple Publishing Hack That Gives Old Content New Life (Plus 3 More Tips)

by Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth

Picture this. You have a publishing deadline looming. And you are fresh out of ideas. Your audience, one you've built on the back of a predictable publishing schedule, is expecting an article tomorrow morning. What will you do?

Unemployable with Brian Clark: John Lee Dumas on Discovering Exactly Who You’re Speaking To

by Brian Clark

You could be blogging, podcasting, working YouTube, or creating any other type of content. Or … you might just be looking to craft the perfect message to land more customers and clients

PR is Dead: The Myth of the Magical Rolodex

by Doyle Albee

The key to an effective content PR program is not having drinks with a bunch of reporters or bloggers. Sure, it's fun, but that won't get you the story.

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