Why a Hot Seat Is Shockingly Good for Business

Why a Hot Seat Is Shockingly Good for Business

by Pamela Wilson

Back in 2004, the heat was on for me and my little marketing and design studio.

In those days, I was a single mom with a 10-year-old and a 12-year-old, and I desperately needed my business to produce.

And by that, I mean produce profit. I needed money, honey — to support my family, run my household, and build my business.

I knew it was time to ramp up my efforts. My business was successful, but it was time to take it to another level.

Around that time, I started hearing about mastermind groups.

And now, when I look back, I recognize that joining a mastermind group profoundly changed my business for the better, especially because of one specific exercise these groups do.

That’s what I’m going to share today. Because earlier this month, we began doing something similar inside one of our communities at Rainmaker Digital.

The Missing Link: So Jesus and Wolverine Login to LinkedIn …

by Sean Jackson

Demian Farnworth and Jerod Morris join The Missing Link for some real-time fun and expertise about content syndication on LinkedIn.

Youpreneur with Chris Ducker: Why (and How) Selling Ourselves Makes a Difference, with Matthew Kimberley

by Chris Ducker

Speaker, coach, and author Matthew Kimberley of 'How to Get a Grip' talks about selling, marketing, and the critical importance of speaking your audience's language.

The Lede: Revisiting Authenticity: What It Is, What Its Not, and Why It Matters

by Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth

Creating a remarkable experience for an audience starts with authenticity, which should never be confused with transparency.

Hack the Entrepreneur: The Extraordinary Value of Sharing and Being a Connector

by Jon Nastor

My guest today is the Founder, publisher, and CEO of Momtrends.com. She left her role as an executive at Ralph Lauren to launch the Momtrends blog in 2007.

The Writer Files: How Joe Berkowitz (Journalist and Fast Company Editor) Writes: Part One

by Kelton Reid

Author and Fast Company Editor Joe Berkowitz stopped by the podcast this week. His latest, a humor book titled You Blew It!: An Awkward Look at the Many Ways in Which You've Already Ruined Your Life, lands this October. He took a break from his busy schedule to rap with me about how he survives the harried life of a big city journalist.

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